Personally I would love to have a proper all weather pitch at Livingston; the quality of the football, once the guys got used to the bounce, was a joy to watch however the real fly in the ointment must be the cost.
As I understand it the current cost of a full size pitch is in the region of £350k or about £400 per head for all the Livi supporters that normally turn up for a game.
The council aren't going to shell out that sort of money at a time when they are tightening belts and letting contractors go.
Sponsorship might work but presumably only if they could do similar branding to the RBS / Famous Grouse that you see on the pitch in Murrayfield for the six nations.
People talk about the amount of additional revenue it could bring in and how it could reduce costs - well that may be true but it doesn't help with the up-front costs.
Airdrie were advertising other events like Elton John and his band but again that doesn't help with the up-front costs.
Has anyone any thoughts or ideas about how this could be brought into reality?