Predictions as follows...
Afro: 0-1 (76 mins) - 1 point
LiviCub: 3-1 (22 mins)
Liviforever: 0-2 (55 mins) - 1 point
forzalfc: 1-3 - 3 points
Lexi Collector: 1-0
LiviLion: 1-1 (38 mins)
Smithy: 1-3 (10 mins) - 4 points (FG bonus)
Bertie Bassett: 0-0 (27 mins)
EdinburghLivi: 0-1 (76 mins) - 1 point
Table updated. Congrats to Smithy for the clean sweep of the points, jeers to me for copying Afro's prediction to a T.